Monday 17 March 2008


Prostitution is bad behaviour! The report from the Express & Star newspaper (see the link) which states that 95% of prostitutes are addicted to drugs, alcohol or both indicates that these women are in this situation to fund their addictions.
The article which includes a story of a women who worked on the streets but now is free from drugs, made me think that although she must have had it rough, to go out and do it again to get cash for Christmas seems awful and to me the worst possible way ever to make money, she could of got a job!!

A few years ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a court hearing where a prostitute had been arrested and brought to court. From what I could make out, it seemed this was not the first time she had been arrested and her actions would suggest that this was not going to stop her selling sexual favours for money. And would of probably paid the fine she got!! So it seems these girls think that its not worth getting a proper job, and continue to sell their bodies which is a disturbing thought.
I don’t know how it must feel to be so addicted to a substance that you have to turn to prostitution to pay for it, all your self-respect vanished. It must be so heartbreaking for the families of these girls to see them deteriorate and even put their lives at risk as they work, often in rough areas, at night, and in isolated corners of the city and never know who may be their next ‘kerb crawler’.

These women need help and support to get off the streets and the substances but if drugs/alcohol are the only thing in their life, with many starting out homeless and detached from their families the drugs seem to overpower the unimaginable things they do.

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