Thursday 17 April 2008


This is not bad behaviour…its extremely terrible behaviour. Not one person deserves to be bullied.
During your school life, being called a name “four eyes” for example happens, if this is a one off, and you teach your child to be resilient then it should have no lasting affect. However being constantly called names, hurtful ones all the way through school or being physically abused is terrible and has a lasting effect. Research suggests that being the victim of bullying later on in adolescent are more likely to turn to drink and be more aggressive. If this is how there coping strategies are at a young age, then it could lead onto alcoholism, criminal acts and is a down hill spiral.

The parents of a girl being bullied took it upon them selves to punish the bullies, and actually punched her!! I would say they are no better, and they are showing such a bad example. They were taken to court. Parents should not do this; the bullies need to tackled in school by teachers and parents together. It will not be resolved with parents joining in the bullying and defiantly not with them using violence!!,22049,23551527-5005941,00.html

It’s so vital that any person who is being bullied knows they can tell someone about it. A teacher, a friend, parents or older siblings as this is often the first step to beating the bullies. Bulling is not just in the school yard, it happens in the workplace with grown adults. I’ve witnessed a bully in the office, whilst working in a large tax firm, a certain individual constantly undermined another, called them names and looked at them as though they was a waste of space. The person it was being aimed at, suffered stress took regular absences and had a lack of confidence. The bully is often the one who is suffering and aims to hurt another because they are hurting themselves. Bullying in the workplace may even end someones career, as they leave the job because the bullying has got too much.
A child who is bullied is more likely to become anxious, insecure, suffer low self esteem and start skipping school.
Anyone who has been bullied I bet remembers thier bullies name, and what they done so it does have a lasting effect.

A site i came across for children, i think its excellent encouraging children to tell someone and to be confident will help them stamp out the bullies!

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