Saturday 12 April 2008

Soaps showing us all how to BEHAVE BADLY

First of all, with soaps often been over dramatised filled with false goings-on its easy to disregard the stories as ‘ludicrous’ that is because it happens to one character, who has been kidnapped, mugged, divorced, drugged, beat-up, found they have a long lost brother who is actually their mother all in one month!!Oh and had a baby!

Hollyoaks, is outrageous in that it shows one character (Mercedes Mequeen) jumping from one bed to the next, sleeping around and in some ways this is shown as ‘the thing to do’, after a night out etc and does not really concern the risks. This could be giving out the wrong message to people especially the younger generation, in that they feel that having sex with anyone is acceptable.
A common saying in this programme is also ‘I need a drink’ referring to alcohol whenever they are presented with daily stresses!! Introducing us to thinking lets drink, when things aren't going so good.
It is not just Hollyoaks that’s ‘being bad’ it’s also the likes of Eastenders where there seems to be a lack of morals with the majority of characters except Dot! For instance, always someone having an affair, showing infidelity - i can see that the story lines need to be filled with as much drama as possible to keep the viewers but makes me think that in some ways do these programmes contribute to everyone ‘being bad’. If soaps show this sort of behaviour then younger people with less ‘world experience’ may well imitate certain behaviours and perhaps lead on to a immoral behaviour.
A very interesting short review of soaps (link below) explains that “soaps represent issues and then neatly resolve them” and I can see this a lot where major life distresses are covered, and after a while another character becomes the attraction and all is forgot, when in real life it doesn’t resolve so neatly.
On the other hand it also suggests that on screen mistakes can perhaps make viewers learn and if this is the case then perhaps it is not all bad!

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