Monday 14 April 2008


Oh s**t” I’ve got so much work to get done! That said to myself, expresses my concern that I do have a lot to do (don’t we all!) But in everyday life I rarely use any swear words. I have been brought up not to use bad language as a means of communicating.
Swearing is something that does not really offend me if my friends swear or I hear others swearing I would never really dream of asking them why they said it.

I think that using swear word does actually indicate a little bit of who you are, if you are brought up round swearing, using swearing may not seem a bad behaviour to you. A person may not be conscious of swearing, but does it without noticing and it’s just like any other word for them.
One of my friends uses the word “f" word regularly and when I asked him why he says it a lot, he replied that he doesn’t notice it as a ‘bad’ word just a word. I hear what he is saying but I am always thinking, that the swear word is not really needed at all, as in general conversation to use swear words seems pointless!

  • I do see some point in swearing when something’s gone wrong, when you hear bad news etc, using a swear word at this time can often make you feel so much better and can let off steam.

  • It is also used very successfully in comedy’s or by comedians (which could be bad/not we will go into that in bad comedians blog) where whatever words are used are pre-planned and the objective is to humour the audience. The words are used to add to or used in jokes which do actually make the joke funnier.

  • Whilst researching the Internet I came across a website, laughing squid which is advertising a ‘Swearing Festival’. I have no idea what it entails but the website gives some clues, a Linguistic Dr. Jonathan Hunt will be discussing ‘How the s**ts and f**ks changed the world’. Unfortunate the event is in San Francisco but does make me wonder that some of the events like ‘the mass swearing experiment’ would be quite interesting! Check out the link.


Picture from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think swearing can be quite controversial even though we have not looked at it during lectures. I for one would be at risk of losing my job if I was to repeatedly swear and although I do find myself swearing for no reason at home (i.e. during telling a joke or watching sports)I never swear around children and get really annoyed when I see parents swearing around their young children.

Check out this online news article
called Do we care about swearing any more?