Sunday 9 March 2008

Film - Kids (1995)

This film surprised me in a way that I can’t see how it made it into the cinema!
I found an informative review of the film from channel 4, films which describes it as lurid and depressing; (check out the full review from the link) I would have to agree with this. As i watched it i found my self shaking my head in disgust to the scene's.

The film showed activities that these deprived children get up to in a 24hours, and as one bad behaviour like drink and drugs, leads on to more wicked acts. The disgusting ‘quests’ telly has for wanting to sleep with virgins is sick but also it does not end there, unbeknown to him, he has AIDS and is spreading it!

The whole film, if I were a parent would ‘wake me up’. To the possible activities children get up to and I would continually discuss and build up a good relationship with my children to make them fully aware of the dangers not only of drugs, alcohol consumption and other activities but also the importance of safe sex! You cant stop young people taking part in activities that are not good e.g. drinking, smoking - but you can make them responsible in how they go about it!

COMMENT 2 made in response to on Smoking...

After reading your blog on smoking, I too am in favour of the smoking ban for the main reason of my clothes smelling of smoke after entering anywhere where smoking is allowed. I feel strongly that within the education system in secondary school’s especially smoking needs to be portrayed as any other kind of addiction and the children made totally aware of the damage it does too your body and future, by this it will hopefully prevent them from thinking it is ‘cool’ and taking up smoking as a social activity to ‘fit in’.

1 comment:

Retro chik said...

I think thats where teenagers' bad behavoiur comes from..lack of communaication between tehir parents as well as eduacation. When parent either don't care or turn a blind eye to the activities their children get up to, the children will continue to indulge in this sort of bad behaviour. Although, I don't think locking them up inside the house will do them any good either, because they will rebel eventually.