Wednesday 23 April 2008


Is it bad behaviour to skip a class? Just one time you and your mates go down the park instead of going to dreaded P.E. I have done it and can honestly say I did it a handful of times, and each reason had a good excuse i.e. day time party down the local club, friends house was free. Ok so they are not good excuses, however it did not effect my school work, I did not commit crime whilst I was out of school, did only do it a few times and eventually my mom did find out (only about 1 time though!!)

It becomes bad and harmful behaviour, when a child is skipping school because of fear this could be linked in with the bullying. A child too scared to go to school, because of this needs to be assessed and the problem dealt with.
Peer pressure is also a part to play in this, are you really going to sit through science knowing your friends are down the park- will they then think you are scared and turn on you if you really are scared and do not want to miss science..

Form the article is explains the government’s plans to reduce the number of children truanting. But as I read it, I can see that they would like to decrease truant numbers but with many reasons and opportunities to skip class then I don’t see how they can reduce it that much. It actually seems to be rising “ 1.61% of days in spring term this year [2007], up from 1.49% in 2006.”

But what about the parents who are aware their child is playing truant? Is it the child that is being bad or the parent, or both? Personally I feel that parents who allow this are doing so much harm to their child

**– showing them that rule breaking is acceptable

**– Giving them a “who cares” attitude

**– preventing their child’s academic abilities to progress that

**-will certainly hinder life chances.

There are fines and prosecutions for parents who allow their children to miss school. The article below this paragraph explains that is the parents “legal duty” to ensure children attend school. Parents defiantly are in the wrong, if they turn down help offered and continue to let their children play truant, then jail seems the best idea to me.

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