Wednesday 7 May 2008


I am a 22 year old female studying Psychology and chose ‘Being Bad’ as my elective choice.
This module does not specifically related to other modules I am studying; however it connects to Psychology as it is about why people engage in certain activities and what makes them behave in a certain way.

I found the module was an appropriate level and not too demanding. The topics covered were all suitable as they were all aspects of being bad. In general the module team presented lectures well, and gave sufficient information about the topics being discussed.

I feel an improvement would be to have small discussions during the lectures to understand and pick up on other people’s perceptions about the topic being covered. It is interesting to see how bad people feel a particular topic is or how they do not see it as bad as yourself.

Involving interdisciplinary modules gave the module new ideas that worked well and were interesting to look into to. This was the first experience I have had using interdisciplinary modules and I enjoyed the range of topics that were selected.

As this is my elective choice I am unable to do the PH2004 module.

I have already recommended the ‘Being Bad’ module to a friend and described it as an entertaining module.
The assessments including the blogs were a good idea. The two type’s of assessments that you had to choose was great as it gave you choice as to which subject you wanted to chose and in which method you felt you would best approach it.

Each lecture has increased my thinking on the particular topic. For example one of the first lectures we had was on ‘Infidelity’ and my views were fairly fixed in that people in relationships do cheat, it happens. However my views were widened when it actually went into how many people infidelity does involve, it may not be only the two people in the relationship that are affected and listening to others talk about it and some of their own experiences and mistakes encouraged me see it from alternative angles.

This module has enabled me to look at certain behaviour’s that are classed as bad and to look into them and consider that maybe it’s not actually as bad as I had imagined. On the other hand some behaviour’s that I never really thought were that bad, I found myself challenging my views after listening to students views in the lectures and reading other students blogs. It was also useful to learn of the history regarding bad behaviour’s. I also enjoyed reading other students blogs from the WOLF page.

I feel that the only bad thing was how most of the lecturers tolerated various students chatting to one another and they rarely requested for the students causing the disruption to be quiet or to leave. This made it difficult to fully concentrate on what was being said and impaired the quality of the lectures.

This module has defiantly been fun and eye-opening. I have enjoyed all aspects that it involved

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