Friday 18 April 2008


Any person who has had experience with drugs knows that, once the effect wears off you find yourself craving for some more. This is explained nicely from the website given above that informs us of drug taking effects. Drug taking may turn into a ‘need’ a habit, you no longer want it, but you depend on it.
A person’s whole life may turn upside down, all because of the need for drugs. It’s not even worth experimenting with certain drugs, because you may become addicted and then without you noticing life changes, you change, your priorities change, and could ruin your life.
I’m not naive to drugs but am certain that they have no place in my life now. They change you so much that even once a week getting stoned affects your whole personality.

My advice would be to steer clear of the drug scene. Saying that alcohol is a drug, but if done moderate and not consumed excessively then drinking is OK.

Drugs impair the quality of life.

Celebrities taking drugs
It also frustrates me, how celebrities get away with using drugs and are more in the public eye if they are having a drugs crises.
For example, Pete Docherty – his frame is thin and his face is gaunt, all the signs drug misuse, yet he’s still allowed on stage (often whist on drugs) and performs to thousands who look at him, and I think its bad behaviour. Fans are set a bad example and any celebrity hooked on any substance should not be allowed to perform as it sort of implying that drug taking is OK. An article actually showing him taking heroin is on the link, and it annoys me how after he is caught, his manager/ advisors get him to say things like “it was a stupid, stupid action for what I only feel shame” somehow I find that hard to believe as it only a matter of time before he gets caught again, then he will say sorry, then perform, all of this setting a bad example to fans of ALL ages. Take them off the front of our papers, and screens which only elaborates their popularity!!!

Just take a look at the picture, how drugs use can change your face and make you look horrible!

Picture above from=

Picture at top from


Rachel said...

I totally agree with this comment. These musicians are role models and young people want to be like the famous people that they see on stage. On the Wright Stuff last week, he was explaining that girls under the age of 16 mostly look up to Amy Winehouse as a role model? So that is thousands of young girls wanting to be act and look like her, so what is the main thing that she is known for, besides the big hair? Drugs…. Should we let innocent children be exposed to this lifestyle and treat it as normal?

Teleka said...

Well lets hope anyone who does try drugs is seriously put off by the experience and never dares to try it again.
I agree that drugs turn your life upside down but it may not even be the drug that started it in the first place. It just takes one thing to trigger it off some examples could be an affair, loss of finances, increase of extreme wealth, boredom, depression, victims of abuse, social environment or some type of insecurities. The need for a quick fix to a better peace of mind and a way out seems to be the anwer for taking drugs.
Its a shame because it just may have been offered to the person at that particular time, then its achance of you either like it or hate a bit like marmite.

misbah said...

I agree with you there alot of teengers see amy winehouse as a role model and shes known for drugs also. This will make the teengers want to try out drugs. People sometimes just want to try it out and see what drugs are like, this sometimes can lead to addiction and messes up peoples lives.

misbah said...

I agree with you there alot of teengers see amy winehouse as a role model and shes known for drugs also. This will make the teengers want to try out drugs. People sometimes just want to try it out and see what drugs are like, this sometimes can lead to addiction and messes up peoples lives.