Wednesday 7 May 2008


I am a 22 year old female studying Psychology and chose ‘Being Bad’ as my elective choice.
This module does not specifically related to other modules I am studying; however it connects to Psychology as it is about why people engage in certain activities and what makes them behave in a certain way.

I found the module was an appropriate level and not too demanding. The topics covered were all suitable as they were all aspects of being bad. In general the module team presented lectures well, and gave sufficient information about the topics being discussed.

I feel an improvement would be to have small discussions during the lectures to understand and pick up on other people’s perceptions about the topic being covered. It is interesting to see how bad people feel a particular topic is or how they do not see it as bad as yourself.

Involving interdisciplinary modules gave the module new ideas that worked well and were interesting to look into to. This was the first experience I have had using interdisciplinary modules and I enjoyed the range of topics that were selected.

As this is my elective choice I am unable to do the PH2004 module.

I have already recommended the ‘Being Bad’ module to a friend and described it as an entertaining module.
The assessments including the blogs were a good idea. The two type’s of assessments that you had to choose was great as it gave you choice as to which subject you wanted to chose and in which method you felt you would best approach it.

Each lecture has increased my thinking on the particular topic. For example one of the first lectures we had was on ‘Infidelity’ and my views were fairly fixed in that people in relationships do cheat, it happens. However my views were widened when it actually went into how many people infidelity does involve, it may not be only the two people in the relationship that are affected and listening to others talk about it and some of their own experiences and mistakes encouraged me see it from alternative angles.

This module has enabled me to look at certain behaviour’s that are classed as bad and to look into them and consider that maybe it’s not actually as bad as I had imagined. On the other hand some behaviour’s that I never really thought were that bad, I found myself challenging my views after listening to students views in the lectures and reading other students blogs. It was also useful to learn of the history regarding bad behaviour’s. I also enjoyed reading other students blogs from the WOLF page.

I feel that the only bad thing was how most of the lecturers tolerated various students chatting to one another and they rarely requested for the students causing the disruption to be quiet or to leave. This made it difficult to fully concentrate on what was being said and impaired the quality of the lectures.

This module has defiantly been fun and eye-opening. I have enjoyed all aspects that it involved

Wednesday 23 April 2008


Is it bad behaviour to skip a class? Just one time you and your mates go down the park instead of going to dreaded P.E. I have done it and can honestly say I did it a handful of times, and each reason had a good excuse i.e. day time party down the local club, friends house was free. Ok so they are not good excuses, however it did not effect my school work, I did not commit crime whilst I was out of school, did only do it a few times and eventually my mom did find out (only about 1 time though!!)

It becomes bad and harmful behaviour, when a child is skipping school because of fear this could be linked in with the bullying. A child too scared to go to school, because of this needs to be assessed and the problem dealt with.
Peer pressure is also a part to play in this, are you really going to sit through science knowing your friends are down the park- will they then think you are scared and turn on you if you really are scared and do not want to miss science..

Form the article is explains the government’s plans to reduce the number of children truanting. But as I read it, I can see that they would like to decrease truant numbers but with many reasons and opportunities to skip class then I don’t see how they can reduce it that much. It actually seems to be rising “ 1.61% of days in spring term this year [2007], up from 1.49% in 2006.”

But what about the parents who are aware their child is playing truant? Is it the child that is being bad or the parent, or both? Personally I feel that parents who allow this are doing so much harm to their child

**– showing them that rule breaking is acceptable

**– Giving them a “who cares” attitude

**– preventing their child’s academic abilities to progress that

**-will certainly hinder life chances.

There are fines and prosecutions for parents who allow their children to miss school. The article below this paragraph explains that is the parents “legal duty” to ensure children attend school. Parents defiantly are in the wrong, if they turn down help offered and continue to let their children play truant, then jail seems the best idea to me.

Friday 18 April 2008


Any person who has had experience with drugs knows that, once the effect wears off you find yourself craving for some more. This is explained nicely from the website given above that informs us of drug taking effects. Drug taking may turn into a ‘need’ a habit, you no longer want it, but you depend on it.
A person’s whole life may turn upside down, all because of the need for drugs. It’s not even worth experimenting with certain drugs, because you may become addicted and then without you noticing life changes, you change, your priorities change, and could ruin your life.
I’m not naive to drugs but am certain that they have no place in my life now. They change you so much that even once a week getting stoned affects your whole personality.

My advice would be to steer clear of the drug scene. Saying that alcohol is a drug, but if done moderate and not consumed excessively then drinking is OK.

Drugs impair the quality of life.

Celebrities taking drugs
It also frustrates me, how celebrities get away with using drugs and are more in the public eye if they are having a drugs crises.
For example, Pete Docherty – his frame is thin and his face is gaunt, all the signs drug misuse, yet he’s still allowed on stage (often whist on drugs) and performs to thousands who look at him, and I think its bad behaviour. Fans are set a bad example and any celebrity hooked on any substance should not be allowed to perform as it sort of implying that drug taking is OK. An article actually showing him taking heroin is on the link, and it annoys me how after he is caught, his manager/ advisors get him to say things like “it was a stupid, stupid action for what I only feel shame” somehow I find that hard to believe as it only a matter of time before he gets caught again, then he will say sorry, then perform, all of this setting a bad example to fans of ALL ages. Take them off the front of our papers, and screens which only elaborates their popularity!!!

Just take a look at the picture, how drugs use can change your face and make you look horrible!

Picture above from=

Picture at top from

Thursday 17 April 2008


This is not bad behaviour…its extremely terrible behaviour. Not one person deserves to be bullied.
During your school life, being called a name “four eyes” for example happens, if this is a one off, and you teach your child to be resilient then it should have no lasting affect. However being constantly called names, hurtful ones all the way through school or being physically abused is terrible and has a lasting effect. Research suggests that being the victim of bullying later on in adolescent are more likely to turn to drink and be more aggressive. If this is how there coping strategies are at a young age, then it could lead onto alcoholism, criminal acts and is a down hill spiral.

The parents of a girl being bullied took it upon them selves to punish the bullies, and actually punched her!! I would say they are no better, and they are showing such a bad example. They were taken to court. Parents should not do this; the bullies need to tackled in school by teachers and parents together. It will not be resolved with parents joining in the bullying and defiantly not with them using violence!!,22049,23551527-5005941,00.html

It’s so vital that any person who is being bullied knows they can tell someone about it. A teacher, a friend, parents or older siblings as this is often the first step to beating the bullies. Bulling is not just in the school yard, it happens in the workplace with grown adults. I’ve witnessed a bully in the office, whilst working in a large tax firm, a certain individual constantly undermined another, called them names and looked at them as though they was a waste of space. The person it was being aimed at, suffered stress took regular absences and had a lack of confidence. The bully is often the one who is suffering and aims to hurt another because they are hurting themselves. Bullying in the workplace may even end someones career, as they leave the job because the bullying has got too much.
A child who is bullied is more likely to become anxious, insecure, suffer low self esteem and start skipping school.
Anyone who has been bullied I bet remembers thier bullies name, and what they done so it does have a lasting effect.

A site i came across for children, i think its excellent encouraging children to tell someone and to be confident will help them stamp out the bullies!

Wednesday 16 April 2008


Lying is bad behaviour. But are various lie’s acceptable? ones called ‘white lie’s’? I consider a person who is fully aware that they often find themselves telling lie’s is being bad. Why go through life telling lies and the person you are telling them too will properly be able to tell your lying and it really does you no favours.

Some lies I have to say are acceptable, for instance if you are trying to protect someone from being hurt, then not telling them the whole truth is the nicest way to be.
If you are preparing a surprise for someone then telling them lies about where or what you’ve been up to is not bad because its all for a good cause.

** The lies that are bad are the ones where there is no justifiable reason for you to be telling that lie.
** The lies that are extremely bad are when told in court or other situations where you are really going to get in trouble with the law for your lies.

** The one lie that we have all used at some point and is a lie that I consider not to be bad at all is ‘Father Christmas’.

** A truthful person can find themselves drawn into the lying game, when embarking in an affair, where the lies are to cover up their infidelity.

** If a person chooses to tell lies for what ever reason, then they will have to deal with the judgements and consequence of their behaviour. People will distrust a liar and distance them selves from them. They often get caught up in their own web of lies, that it becomes hard work.

Can we detect a person telling a lie? Read the interesting research from the link, although it’s a little long, its extremely informative, and notes that people are not as good at detecting lies as they think.

Diana’ Inquest - Paul Burrell is suspected of lying whilst under oath, stories like this will ruin his reputation and the article also suggest that the head of security had also lied, so it seems that the truth may never come out.

Tuesday 15 April 2008


Comment made on -

I completely agree with what you wrote regarding parents. We should all have respect for our parents (blind or not). However I think that there are probley lots of issues revolved around this individual and their mother. I think there is no culture that brings you up against to not respect your parents, and in all of us we would (majority) help someone who is in need. Just because you were brought up within a different culture does not make you less respectful.
Overall it is the upbringing that is the making of who we are.

Monday 14 April 2008


Oh s**t” I’ve got so much work to get done! That said to myself, expresses my concern that I do have a lot to do (don’t we all!) But in everyday life I rarely use any swear words. I have been brought up not to use bad language as a means of communicating.
Swearing is something that does not really offend me if my friends swear or I hear others swearing I would never really dream of asking them why they said it.

I think that using swear word does actually indicate a little bit of who you are, if you are brought up round swearing, using swearing may not seem a bad behaviour to you. A person may not be conscious of swearing, but does it without noticing and it’s just like any other word for them.
One of my friends uses the word “f" word regularly and when I asked him why he says it a lot, he replied that he doesn’t notice it as a ‘bad’ word just a word. I hear what he is saying but I am always thinking, that the swear word is not really needed at all, as in general conversation to use swear words seems pointless!

  • I do see some point in swearing when something’s gone wrong, when you hear bad news etc, using a swear word at this time can often make you feel so much better and can let off steam.

  • It is also used very successfully in comedy’s or by comedians (which could be bad/not we will go into that in bad comedians blog) where whatever words are used are pre-planned and the objective is to humour the audience. The words are used to add to or used in jokes which do actually make the joke funnier.

  • Whilst researching the Internet I came across a website, laughing squid which is advertising a ‘Swearing Festival’. I have no idea what it entails but the website gives some clues, a Linguistic Dr. Jonathan Hunt will be discussing ‘How the s**ts and f**ks changed the world’. Unfortunate the event is in San Francisco but does make me wonder that some of the events like ‘the mass swearing experiment’ would be quite interesting! Check out the link.


Picture from

Sunday 13 April 2008


This is disgusting, and the owners should be to blame! Any dog fouling done in parks, streets, general public open-air places should be cleaned up by the owner.
It is not nice wherever it is, so some consideration should be took, and it is an offence to allow your dog to foul in the places listed on the website, (link given below).

I admire the owners taking responsibility for their dog’s doings as it is the decent thing to do. I can understand if your in a very remote area i.e. up a mountain (I actually seen someone half way up a mountain clean up after their dogs, very committed) but there is no excuse to let your dog foul in public places and just left for someone to walk into or worse children mess with (which can be very dangerous). However if it is very noticeable that the area is not going to be used for public and then the owner should not worry, but on the pavement in a street/town/park…eugh! I have found an article on beating ‘dog mess’ and in it notes that camera’s are to be used to catch the irresponsible owners in Great Yarmouth, which is described as the ‘dog mess capital’, hmmm not a great description of your town is it. The cameras are a great idea because then their would be evidence and the owners can take the consequence of a fine for their bad behaviour.
As the picture say's dog owners 'Please clean up after your dog'.

Saturday 12 April 2008

Soaps showing us all how to BEHAVE BADLY

First of all, with soaps often been over dramatised filled with false goings-on its easy to disregard the stories as ‘ludicrous’ that is because it happens to one character, who has been kidnapped, mugged, divorced, drugged, beat-up, found they have a long lost brother who is actually their mother all in one month!!Oh and had a baby!

Hollyoaks, is outrageous in that it shows one character (Mercedes Mequeen) jumping from one bed to the next, sleeping around and in some ways this is shown as ‘the thing to do’, after a night out etc and does not really concern the risks. This could be giving out the wrong message to people especially the younger generation, in that they feel that having sex with anyone is acceptable.
A common saying in this programme is also ‘I need a drink’ referring to alcohol whenever they are presented with daily stresses!! Introducing us to thinking lets drink, when things aren't going so good.
It is not just Hollyoaks that’s ‘being bad’ it’s also the likes of Eastenders where there seems to be a lack of morals with the majority of characters except Dot! For instance, always someone having an affair, showing infidelity - i can see that the story lines need to be filled with as much drama as possible to keep the viewers but makes me think that in some ways do these programmes contribute to everyone ‘being bad’. If soaps show this sort of behaviour then younger people with less ‘world experience’ may well imitate certain behaviours and perhaps lead on to a immoral behaviour.
A very interesting short review of soaps (link below) explains that “soaps represent issues and then neatly resolve them” and I can see this a lot where major life distresses are covered, and after a while another character becomes the attraction and all is forgot, when in real life it doesn’t resolve so neatly.
On the other hand it also suggests that on screen mistakes can perhaps make viewers learn and if this is the case then perhaps it is not all bad!

Friday 11 April 2008


I feel that littering is just people being idle. The article from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, conducted research and explains that people fell into 6 categories, for example “the beautifully behaved” where their only littering was apples etc, up to “life’s too short and am I bothered” category. This included those who have no consequence for their littering.

If there is no bin near, then people are more likely to drop litter. Especially true is why keep it in your car or bag when you can just drop/chuck it on the floor/out the window and forget about it.
Again referring to the article requesting that the local authorities need to put more bins and place them in the right places is easier said than done. If parents and elders inform children that littering is bad then they are more likely to grow up and not see littering as OK. In the long term littering is damaging our environment and the recent issue taken by supermarkets e.g. reusable bags, charging for bags is certainly catching on and if more activities like this are introduced then the littering is certainly going to decrease.
Overall if people were to just dispose of their litter correctly it would ‘Keep Britain Tidy’.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Being Bad

Being Bad - Talking in Lectures

Seen as this is ‘being bad’ module then I thought it would be appropriate to bring up bad behaviour that occurs during the being bad lecture.
During our lectures I have often heard people talking and don’t think they realise that its sound quite loud even though they may not be talking loud, it travels.
The lecture on bandits and outlaws was especially bad. I could not even hear the lecturer sometimes and he was being totally disrespected, not only because loads of people were talking but also because students were walking out of his lecture!!!
I genuinely felt sorry for the lecturer because he did not deserve to be disrespected the way he was. In my other modules I have never experienced so much chatting form the students and if any one does speak they get told to leave, and this is the correct response, after all if you don’t want to be their don’t come and disrupt the lecture for others.

Picture from -

Wednesday 9 April 2008


Made in response to Drugs and Alcohol on

Following on from your blog, i feel that in some ways drinking socially can lead to being dependant a lot easier than people think. For example, if your out all weekend drinking and then during the week feel yourself thinking 'i would love a drink',. then if you act upon this and become a person who drinks both in the week and weekends for no special occasion,or every social occasion and only feeling happy once consumed some sort of alcohol then that is where it leads on to become dependant. And therefore not classed as a social activity but a concern thus overstepping the line.

Tuesday 8 April 2008


I feel that bandits and outlaws’ had their place in history and with all the attention for example with Jesse James; Robin Hood people are still interested in them. This shows in the films etc.. of a hero, a respected person. I personally think that turning to crime was the way out for those who had troubles, but you have to remember that all the bandits, outlaws and gangs were committing crimes, and this I feel is often the least looked upon when referring to past ‘baddies’. A lot of information is on the website below about the history and heaps more, which i must say even though this subject did not interest me, i found myself becoming more interested in it whilst reading about certain topics on the website.

Monday 7 April 2008

Binge drinking – Ok so after reading the article which clearly points out how drinking can damage your body, the liver.
We all know that but for people who enjoy a drink it doesn’t stop them having a drink, getting drunk and going over the weekly recommended amount. (I have not met anyone who actually counts up their units whilst on a night out).
I drink on a weekend, and sometimes go out and drink both Friday and Saturday!! So I guess I can be described as a binge drinker, all my friends also drink as much as me when were out and we do get (occasionally) a bit more drunk than we should, but I enjoy it and that’s the main reason why I drink.
If I added up all the units of alcohol I drank last night whilst out with my sister’s I am pretty sure it would be over the recommended 14, (as my head hurt slightly this morning!) so I would say I defiantly over indulge at weekends.

And like the saying goes “everything in moderation” which I think having a good drink is not harmful if it is done responsibly.

It does frustrate me sometimes when I read or see how drink can turn people into thinking their ‘fighting machines’ or ‘can do anything’ as it causes so much unwanted trouble. This is where people need to be fully aware of their actions and to “know their limits”!!!

Sunday 6 April 2008


I found this lecture extremely interesting. I visited the BME website, where most of the pictures used were from, and have put the link below because it has enormous amounts of information about every body modification! Personally some of the extremes that people go to puzzle me in how they can allow their bodies to be put through so much pain, and some things are just too strange for me (deep chest piercing) to find a reason why it’s done.

However each person can really do what they like to their body, it belongs to them and body modifications in any form e.g. make-up, piercing, tattoo’s etc is all part of expressing who you are. Tattoo's i feel are especially used to show a stranger what you are about, in some ways you inform them of a little of who you are by what tattoo you have chosen.
The one suggestion is that before going ahead with any thing make sure your going to love it on you for a long time, not to do it underage and to go to proper places where equipment is safe!

PLEASE look at the link To see the worst 20 tattoo’s, naturally it is down to your own individual tastes what you think looks good/bad. But it is worth a look, and am certain one will shock you. Number 7 & especially 17, all I can say is don’t they think about long term future possibilities may be hindered because the extreme tattoo’s they have had?!?! And number’s 4 & 9…..well I’m speechless!! 20 is a little funney!

Picture found on

Thursday 3 April 2008


This is s subject that is not often discussed within groups of friends. However in my experience masturbation is often discussed more between males than females, this may be because they can make ‘jokes’ out of it and it is more accepted.

The males reading this will be happy if they read the article I found on New scientist website, (link below) which notes that masturbation may protect against prostate cancer. This is the first study I have found on such things and so am not aware how true it can be. Still interesting though!

In society masturbation may not ever really be a subject that can be discussed freely and openly because maybe it’s not meant for that. From the lecture on masturbation, we were shown pictures of the devices that were made especially to prevent masturbation and seeing these - people must have found it offensive. In general it still causes offense so it’s perhaps best to remain a subject that we all know goes on but is discussed in modest amounts.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


There are a diverse number of reasons why people shoplift. They may be homeless, starving and in extreme circumstances then maybe stealing food etc is the only way. But then it is still breaking the law, and if they are so desparate they need to shoplift thier food to survive then i think they need to get a job. If the culprit is stealing from someone or their house, then this is to me wrong as it can cause so much distress to those victims.
There are other reasons people shoplift one of these is peer pressure, where children are often unaware of the crime they are committing and do so to look ‘cool’. Another reason is that people get a buzz including it must seem the OAP’s from the article

The other article I found is a good read about middle-class people who shoplift. And I could relate to their actions, that the reason they do so is becasue large retail stores over price things and rip people off, and with so many rules in life - doing this makes them ‘excited about bending the rules’.

Monday 31 March 2008


The recent article from the guardian newspaper suggests that children should be made fully aware of alcohol and the dangers from drinking and early alcohol abuse by their parents, teachers etc.
On the other hand I have to disagree that that’s all it needs, it’s not just the parents liability, If an underage child is down the park or wherever they hang out, whats stopping them drinking? Afterall drinking on TV is glamorised, where does everyone hang out on Eastenders? the pub. Averts also make drinking look attractive and so these factors along with ‘peer pressure’ and the worry of being left out are certainly going to increase youngsters to try alcoholic drinks.

Overall I would completely advise youngster’s of the dangers but also not to completely say drinking is ‘sinful’ as this may make them even more tempted to break the rules and often further their curiosity about alcohol.

The link below also notes the dangers that youngsters get into whilst under the influence:
Picture found

Sunday 30 March 2008


This is one ‘bad behaviour’. Not only is it illegal, it’s a terrible act. If a household has waste then they use the bin. If you have large amounts then hire a skip, the tip is a safe place there in place to handle such waste so with all these possibilities why is fly-tipping around. I personally feel that people who ‘fly-tip’ do so because they are inconsiderate and lazy.

The rubbish becomes an eye-sore, damages the environment and insults the surrounding communities. It does not have to be large amounts to be described as the above, just the site of a mattress in an alley, makes me think “why can’t people be bothered!”
I found various articles on fly-tipping and amazed at the amount of money which is spent clearing it up. I am certain that cash can go on something far much more worthy!

Thursday 27 March 2008


You only have to walk around town and you see some sort of graffiti weather it be small scribbles in a phone box, or huge tags on the side of bridges its exsists and will do so for a very long time.

I personally feel that young adolescents armed with markers are just being kids, and find writing who they fancy etc on a wall a bit of fun. I do think however it looks unattractive and in the article I found online it does often make the area or town seem unpleasant. If contains offensive or racist signs then it should be removed. Yet on the other hand England is lucky because in Rome graffiti is on every bit of spare wall, brick, building or shop space available!

I disagree with it being described “graffiti is not art”. After all some of the work takes hours and looks pretty impressive. Wasn’t it on the news that there are specific graffiti places to go where you can go and express your self through graffiti. Some of the work displayed in these places and around the city can indeed be described as art, after all after walking round art galleries these days, the word art’ can be anything from a picture of rubbish to a sock!!

Tuesday 18 March 2008


Comment made on on Shoplifting....

After reading your comment I felt that just because someone has no job, does not make shoplifting acceptable even if it is for the ‘essentials’. There are so many allowances now for people with families and who may also be unemployed, that shoplifting may perhaps be an easy way for them to get ‘by’, without putting in any effort to find a job.

Monday 17 March 2008


Prostitution is bad behaviour! The report from the Express & Star newspaper (see the link) which states that 95% of prostitutes are addicted to drugs, alcohol or both indicates that these women are in this situation to fund their addictions.
The article which includes a story of a women who worked on the streets but now is free from drugs, made me think that although she must have had it rough, to go out and do it again to get cash for Christmas seems awful and to me the worst possible way ever to make money, she could of got a job!!

A few years ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a court hearing where a prostitute had been arrested and brought to court. From what I could make out, it seemed this was not the first time she had been arrested and her actions would suggest that this was not going to stop her selling sexual favours for money. And would of probably paid the fine she got!! So it seems these girls think that its not worth getting a proper job, and continue to sell their bodies which is a disturbing thought.
I don’t know how it must feel to be so addicted to a substance that you have to turn to prostitution to pay for it, all your self-respect vanished. It must be so heartbreaking for the families of these girls to see them deteriorate and even put their lives at risk as they work, often in rough areas, at night, and in isolated corners of the city and never know who may be their next ‘kerb crawler’.

These women need help and support to get off the streets and the substances but if drugs/alcohol are the only thing in their life, with many starting out homeless and detached from their families the drugs seem to overpower the unimaginable things they do.

Friday 14 March 2008


Comment in response to on stalking...

After reading your comment on stalking it triggered a memory of mine that i too, at the age of 14 had a crush on my older brother's friend. Me and my best friend used to walk up and down his street everyday and walked extra slowly when we were passing his house!! This i would put down too childish behaviour and a crush that wore off quickly. It does depend on your age group to consider whether its offensive, for example if i was to behave in that way now, i would be worried about myself and seek help. (plus i don't have a crush on him now!!) In conclusion i would not class our behaviour as worrying behaviour, however i would if i had continued walking past the house for months, and progressed too much interest in him without him knowing this would definatly be cause for concern.

Tuesday 11 March 2008


Infidelity is bad behaviour! When two people are in a relationship they commit to each other and if a person is unhappy in a relationship then the most appropriate route is to talk through the problems and concerns. If however a person strays towards betraying their partner either be it by starting an affair and having sexual intercourse with another, or entering a chat room and flirting online or it could be displaying affectionate behaviour towards another person – this is infidelity.

Infidelity can cause pain and distress. Although everyone has different views on it, then unless you find your self in that situation I do feel it is hard to be 100% guaranteed on how you would feel.

The website I found has huge amounts of information on how to spot an affair, although after reading the article I can see how some people can ‘jump’ to incorrect conclusions regarding their partners behaviour. There is also advice on working through an affair plus much more. My personal views are that the damage betrayal can cause to the relationship is basically once the trust has been strained and lost it is an uphill struggle. For the person thinking of straying and betraying their partner then my feelings would be why don’t they just get out of the relationship and cause them selves far less hassle in the long run, and if they don’t want to be committed to another then get out before you let someone or certain behaviours IN!
Image found on

COMMENT 3 in response to on Smoking....

After reading your post on Smoking I totally disagree with the view you have that the smoking ban is a ‘stupid idea’ it is already working in my view in that I have seen regular smokers taking less trips to the designated smoking areas and therefore smoking less, which is what the ban is wanting to achieve so gradually smokers decrease the amount of cigarettes they smoke and in turn will reduce the illness connected with smoking in the long term. Also if ‘smoking rooms’ were set up then that would surely divide smokers and none smokers in a negative way and be unsuccessful in trying to help people give up.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Film - Kids (1995)

This film surprised me in a way that I can’t see how it made it into the cinema!
I found an informative review of the film from channel 4, films which describes it as lurid and depressing; (check out the full review from the link) I would have to agree with this. As i watched it i found my self shaking my head in disgust to the scene's.

The film showed activities that these deprived children get up to in a 24hours, and as one bad behaviour like drink and drugs, leads on to more wicked acts. The disgusting ‘quests’ telly has for wanting to sleep with virgins is sick but also it does not end there, unbeknown to him, he has AIDS and is spreading it!

The whole film, if I were a parent would ‘wake me up’. To the possible activities children get up to and I would continually discuss and build up a good relationship with my children to make them fully aware of the dangers not only of drugs, alcohol consumption and other activities but also the importance of safe sex! You cant stop young people taking part in activities that are not good e.g. drinking, smoking - but you can make them responsible in how they go about it!

COMMENT 2 made in response to on Smoking...

After reading your blog on smoking, I too am in favour of the smoking ban for the main reason of my clothes smelling of smoke after entering anywhere where smoking is allowed. I feel strongly that within the education system in secondary school’s especially smoking needs to be portrayed as any other kind of addiction and the children made totally aware of the damage it does too your body and future, by this it will hopefully prevent them from thinking it is ‘cool’ and taking up smoking as a social activity to ‘fit in’.

Friday 7 March 2008


Stalking can be done by checking someone’s emails, giving someone unwanted telephone calls/gifts, and when a person goes out of their way to watch someone else and actively follow them around.

It is bad behaviour when someone actively seeks out and watches another person’s movements when they are unaware of it. It is unwanted attention and an invasion of privacy. The stalker’s behaviour shows that all is not right in them e.g. mentally. For the person who is being stalked, if and when they find out can because tremendous amounts of distress and cause that person to suffer with confidence and could dramatically affect their life in a negative way.

A less intense kind of stalking could be checking emails or phone which either you view it, it is still is an invasion of privacy. The link below gives a glimpse into how technology can be used to track someone else’s movements via their mobile phone, and just how easily it can be done!!

Wednesday 5 March 2008


Comment made in response to on stalking..

Stalking -
I have checked out the article from the link, and can not believe how easy it is for someone’s movements to be watched. This is scary and takes only10 minutes, then your phone could be tracked and from then on, you’re whereabouts available! I totally agree that stalking is harmful to the person being stalked, if and when they discover that they have been a victim of stalking the emotions they must feel is unimaginable! Plus they may take considerable amount of time to feel safe again doing the simplest of things!

Tuesday 4 March 2008


Everyone has a choice to smoke or not to smoke!

Whether you started through peer pressure or just fancied a fag, it is your body you are damaging. Smoking is bad behaviour to your body. It can cause horrendous internal damage, leading to cancer and also external effects on your appearance for example: dry skin, rotting teeth, yellow fingers, smelly breath plus many more can be seen by clicking on the link below.

But why with so many health warnings why do people still choose to smoke? One answer is because they are addicted and like any addiction the way to giving up is never easy.
Taking into account the continuous showing of characters and actors in films and TV smoking, they do so by ‘glamorising’ it. It adds to the theme, either being sexual or in many gangster films a sign of masculinity and toughness. With these images being portrayed as ‘normal’ behaviour to people on screen do smokers pay less attention to the health warnings? Is the viewing audience tempted in any way in trying a cigarette because it looks so attractive? I feel that young viewer's are tempted by the way it is shown and feel that they are more likely to try it when exposed to certain images from TV or Film.

Smoking is bad but it is an individual act and every ones responsible for their behaviour to themselves!

Thursday 21 February 2008

Module field trip

Recommend the V. festival as this has thousands of people who have access to and use of all types of drugs and drink at all hours.